Packages List

Basic Packages

Name Func Python2 Python3 OS Test Version
rpy2 2.7.7
sympy Symbolic mathematics, aims to become a full-featured computer algebra system
objgraph Visually explore Python object graphs
vmtk -- -- -- -- --
pyqt 1:6 2:6 3:6 4:6 5
PySciter 1:6 2:6 3:6 4:6 5

Visulization Packages

Name Func Python2 Python3 OS Tested Version
Matplotlib 1:2 4:2
Matplotlib Basemap Toolkit 1:3 3:3 4:3
Seaborn 1:3 3:3 4:3
bokeh 1:4 2:4 3:4 4:4 Free Pro Plans for University Students 2:4 3:4 4:4
folium 2:4 3:4 4:4
glumpy a python library for scientific visualization 2:5 3:5 4:5
mapshaper 1:6 2:6 3:6 4:6
pyqtgraph 1:7 3:7 ×
Vispy 1:8 2:8 3:8 4:8
holoview 1:9 2:9 3:9 4:9
pyggplot 1:10 2:10 3:10 4:10
ternary 绘制三相图 3:10 4:10 py2.7
Veusz a scientific plotting package 3:10 4:10
vistrails an open-source scientific workflow and provenance management system that supports data exploration and visualization. ×
VTK vmtk × 6.3

3D Packages

Name Func Python2 Python3 OS Tested Version
pythreejs 1:2 4:2
PyEVTK 1:3 2:3 3:3 4:3
ivisual 1:4 2:4 3:4 4:4
vpython 1:4 2:4 3:4 4:4

GIS Packages

Name Func Python2 Python3 OS Tested Version
GDAL 1:2 3:2 4:2
fiona 1:3 3:3 4:3
shapely 1:4 3:4 4:4
pyproj 1:5 3:5 4:5
cartopy 1:6 2:6 3:6 4:6
GeoPandas 1:7 × 4:7
leaflet 1:8 2:8 3:8 4:8
openlayer 1:9 2:9 3:9 4:9
Landlab A python toolkit for for modeling earth surface processes 2:10 3:10 4:10 11
HPGL a C++ / Python library that implements geostatistical algorithms.GsTL
pygslib GSLIB fortran code wrapped into python 0.9.9
pykrige 1:10 3:10 4:10
pySAL A library of spatial analysis functions 2:8 3:8 4:8
pygeostat A library of spatial analysis functions × 4:8

RS Packages

Name Func Python2 Python3 OS Tested Version
rasterio 1:2 3:2 4:2
Spectral Python(SPy) 1:3 3:3 4:3
pysptools 2:4 3:4 4:4
Hyppy Hyperspectral
hyperspy Youtube 1:7 2:7 3:7 4:7
RSGISLib a collection of Python modules for processing remote sensing and GIS datasets. × Linux/Mac
AstroML 1:8 2:8 3:8 4:8
SimpleITK 1:9 2:9 3:9 4:9
OTB(orfeo-toolbox) 1:10 2:10 3:10 4:10 11
nansat Scientist friendly Python toolbox for processing 2D satellite Earth observation data. 2:10 3:10 4:10 11
GIAnT Generic InSAR Analysis Toolbox 2:10 3:10 4:10 11
RITSAR Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Image Processing Toolbox for Python 4:10 11
ISCE InSAR SCE (InSAR Scientific Computing Environment) 4:10 11
pytroll weather satellite data 4:10 11

LIDAR Packages

Name Func Python2 Python3 OS Tested Version
SPDLib Sorted Pulse Data Software Library 2:2 3:2 4:2
laspy 1:3 × 4:3
liblas 1:4 3:4 4:4
PDAL 1:4 2:4 3:4 Linux
BreezySLAM 1:4 2:4 3:4 4:4
OpenSfM 1:4 2:4 3:4 4:4
OpenDroneMap 1:4 2:4 3:4 4:4
DroneKit-Python 1:4 2:4 3:4 4:4 1

Features Packages

Name Func Python2 Python3 OS Tested Version
scikit-feature contains around 40 popular feature selection algorithms × 4:2
pyEEG 1:2 3:2 4:2
pyAudioAnalysis 1:2 2:2 3:2 4:2
python_speech_features 3:3 4:3 1

ML Packages

Name Func Python2 Python3 OS Tested Version
scikit-learn 1:2 3:2 4:2
XGBoost !pip install --pre xgboost 3:2 4:2
MxNet Deep Learning × W/L/M
TensorFlow Learn a simplified interface for TensorFlow,smooth the transition from the Scikit Learn world × W/L/M
TFLearn aa higher-level API for TensorFlow × W/L/M
H2o Deep Learning ×
xgbmagic 1:2 2:2 3:2 4:2
Orange 3:3 4:3
MDP Modular toolkit for Data Processing 3:4 ×
flotilla Reproducible machine learning analysis of gene expression and alternative splicing data 2:5 3:5 4:5
pyimpute 1:6 2:6 3:6 4:6
pyevolve 遗传算法 2:7 3:7 4:7
neurolab 1:8 2:8 3:8 4:8
networkx 1:9 2:9 3:9 4:9
-- -- -- -- -- --
PyMC3 1:10 3:10 4:10
hmmlearn 2:8 3:8 4:8
pgmpy Python Library for Probabilistic Graphical Models 2:8 3:8 4:8
libpgm 2:8 3:8 4:8
MCMC 2:8 3:8 4:8 11
PyJAGS provides a Python interface to JAGS, a program for analysis of Bayesian hierarchical models using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulation 3:8 4:8
-- -- -- -- -- --
optunity 超参数优化 3:10 4:10
Accelerate 2:8 3:8 4:8

Financial Packages

Name Func Python2 Python3 OS Tested Version
Zipline 1:2 2:2 3:2 4:2 5:2 1:3 3:3 4:3 5:3
Ta-lib 1:4 3:4 4:4 5:4
pyalgotrade 1:5 2:5 3:5 4:5 5:5
quantlib 1:4 2:4 3:4 4:4 5:4
pyktrader 1:5 2:5 3:5 4:5 5:5
quandl Get financial data directly into Python 2:5 3:5 4:5 5:5

Time-Series Packages

Name Func Python2 Python3 OS Tested Version
PyFlux a vast array of time series methods and inference capabilities
cesium Machine Learning Time-Series Platform 1

Web Packages

Name Func Python2 Python3 OS Tested Version
Django 1:2 3:2 4:2 5:2
GeoDjango 1:3 2:3 3:3 4:3 5:3
Flask 2:4 3:4 4:4 5:4
0:5 1:5 2:5 3:5 4:5 5:5

GPU Packages

Name Func Python2 Python3 OS Tested Version
pycuda 3:6 4:6
Accelerate Commercial 1
minpy a pure numpy interface above mxnet backend, allows you to use GPU to speed up the algorithm and keep the neat numpy syntax 1

Database Packages

Name Func Python2 Python3 OS Tested Version
PyMongo 1:2 3:2 4:2 5:2
0:3 1:3 2:3 3:3 4:3 5:3
pgpointcloud A PostgreSQL extension for storing point cloud (LIDAR) data 2:4 3:4 4:4 5:4
0:5 1:5 2:5 3:5 4:5 5:5

Other Packages

Name Func Python2 Python3 OS Tested Version
MoviePy 2:2 3:2 4:2
minepy Maximal Information-based Nonparametric Exploration 2:3 3:3 4:3
mendeley 2:4 3:4 4:4
PyChem Python and Chemometrics package for univariate and multivariate data analysis 2:5 × 4:5
ChinaAPI 集成新浪微博、腾讯微博、淘宝、人人和豆瓣等API库 2:6 3:6 4:6
PyOCR A Python wrapper for Tesseract and Cuneiform 4:6
Gensim a library for topic modelling, document indexing and similarity retrieval with large corpora. Target audience is the natural language processing (NLP) and information retrieval (IR) community. 2:6 3:6 4:6

GeoPandas: Geospatial Data Pandas Youtube Link

SimpleITK-Notebooks link

SPDLib: a set of open source software tools for processing laser scanning data (i.e., LiDAR), including data captured from airborne and terrestrial platforms. The aim of the software is provide you, the user, with the tools you need to process these data.

Spatial Temporal Prediction of Climate Change Impacts using pyimpute, scikit learn and GDAL


  • download source code from github
  • unzip the file
  • cd to BreezySLAM-master/python, and do
    python install

run example

In spyder, Browser work directory to D:\BreezySLAM-master\examples

import sys
import subprocess"python exp 1 5",shell=True)
Matplotlib Basemap Toolkit
conda install basemap

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